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Headteacher's Welcome
From a tiny spark to
a bright flame.

Welcome to St Leonard's
On behalf of the governors and staff I would like to offer you a warm welcome to
St. Leonard's CE(A) First School, Ipstones.
We are proud at St. Leonard’s to be able to offer a wealth of opportunities to every child by providing a friendly and caring community where staff, pupils, parents and governors all work together to provide an environment where every child is able to fulfil their potential.
Children here enjoy the wide variety of academic, artistic, sporting and community activities that take place on a regular basis that help make St. Leonard’s a vibrant educational establishment and a very happy school.
In addition to the organised days, we invite you to visit our school, to meet the staff and pupils and see the friendly and caring environment we have here.
We very much look forward to meeting and welcoming you into our school.
Mrs Kelly Stanesby
'In him was life; and life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness.' (John 1: 4-5)

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