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Extra-Curricular Clubs

At St. Leonard's, we run a number of lunchtime and after school clubs in order to enrich the learning opportunities for our pupils.

These include:

    Multi-sports            Gymnastics         Football          Craft Club        STEAM Club      Gardening Club


After school, Mr Brightman runs STEM club. This is a science and technology club where the children further their science learning from the classroom and learn how to code by taking on exciting experiments and projects.

Gardening Club

Gardening Club takes place at a  lunchtime and is led by Mr. Brightman. We are extremely lucky at St. Leonard's to have such breathtaking outdoor spaces, a large raised bed, a flower bed and a polytunnel. This year we are growing a beautiful selection of flowers and vegetables. Take a look at the photos below to see how all our hard work in the garden is coming along. We have broad beans, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, beetroot, peas, grapes and raspberries. We can't wait to be able to taste the fruits of our labour! 

St Leonard's First School, Ipstones. Tel: 01538 266292

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