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Welly Wednesdays

Every Wednesday afternoon, we put on our coats and wellies and take our learning outside. We use the outdoors to investigate the world around us and also to extend our learning in other aspects of the curriculum, including maths and science.We also grow flowers and vegetables in our raised beds and our polytunnel and investigate the plants and creatures that live in our amazing outdoor learning environment.

We love learning outside come rain or shine!

'Learning outside helps us to develop team work skills'

What have we been getting up to this year?

Co - ordinates

Flames Class took their maths learning outside and combined this with their learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We went on a hunt around the school grounds to find pictures and information about the Egyptian gods. We used our map of the school grounds to mark where we had found each photograph before writing down the co-ordinates of the location.

3D shape making

Both classes enjoyed combining maths and the outdoors to create 3D shapes using stick and branches. We worked as teams to create them and practiced our not tying skills to hold the shapes together.

Leaf Art

While we were leaning about farming in our topic lessons, we  created a leaf collage of a tractor, collecting different coloured Autumn leaves to make different parts of the tractor.

Autumn hunt

The whole school went out into the nearby valley and park to identify signs of Autumn around us. We took our clipboards to write down and draw our observations.

Vertebrate and Invertebrate hunt

In science, Flames class were learning about vertebrates and invertebrates so we went outside to see which we could find in our local environment before classifying them based on their characteristics which we had observed.

Religion sorting

Before our trip to the Derby Faith Trail, KS1 learnt about the different religions by hunting for different for information and photographs. They then sorted them into the different religions. 


In groups, Sparks and Flickers created different types of habitats to extend thweir learning in science.

St Leonard's First School, Ipstones. Tel: 01538 266292

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